Wednesday, March 22, 2006

God's Sense of Humor

A few days ago I posted some thoughts on Don Miller's new book, To Own a Dragon. I shared that my initial impression of Don, after reading his first book a few years ago, was less-than-positive. Reading his new book turned that ship around. Anyone who shares my passion for healing the effects of broken families is okay in my book. In fact, check out the Belmont Foundation Don founded to help the church deal with the American crisis of fatherlessness. Love that.

So my agent and I have been working on my proposal for the new edition of Generation Ex and because what Don is doing ministry-wise has a lot of cross-over appeal with what I'm doing, it seemed like maybe it'd be a good idea to get one of my books in his hands.

I knew he'd be at Calvin, but imagine my surprise when I learned he was also going to be in town this week! So my people talked to his people and we were able to have a few moments to meet. (Thanks Don, Tara, Jordon and Curt).

I was able to hear him do a private Q&A and then a talk over at Cornerstone. It ended up being a rather convicting day. Turns out I actually like the guy and I don't think he's off his theological rocker after all. I found him to be gracious (especially toward those who haven't appreciate his work), self-depreciating, witty and intelligent. I like that he's not super polished and professional, more of an every man. And politically, he was actually much closer to me than I would have expected. Several things he shared spoke directly to my experience as a writer, the concerns I'm praying through currently, and the decisions I'm facing. I wish I had been taking notes because he gave me a lot to chew on.

I think I have a new literary crush.

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