Monday, April 03, 2006

Hope for the Unhooked Generation

While I was writing Generation Ex, I came across a couple, Drs. Bev and Tom Rodgers, who had also written on the topic of adult children of divorce. Writing as both counselors and adult children of divorce, I appreciate their personal and professional insights.

They have a new book coming out in October, "The Singlehood Phenomenon: Ten Brutally Honest Reasons Singles Aren't Getting Married" (NavPress).

A few of the reasons include:
  • Fear of getting a divorce like their parents
  • A poor understanding of the nature and purpose of marriage
  • Confused about the rules of dating
  • Too much emphasis placed on career and success
  • Fear of being hurt in relationships.

They write, "Our intent is to provide help not just for this generation but all singles, and to give them a more positive take on marriage and the skills to approach it with confidence. There is hope for the unhooked."

I'm looking forward to checking it out!

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