Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Memorial Day Weekend

One more day! It's going to be a crazy day of meetings at work today, but then I am off for five long--hopefully slow and restful--days. If you think of my brain as a battery, I'm been on low for quite a while so it's time to recharge. My plan is to spend at least 12 hours either sleeping or in bed for each of the next five days!

I do have some other plans, including Les Miserables (the best grace story outside the Bible) and Petra (the exhibit, not the band). I'm also hoping to start the summer season of Ultimate Frisbee.

I've been ruminating on the verse I posted about a few days ago, "Go in the strength you have." God has provided another opportunity for me to serve tonight. One of my favorite people in the world is a neighbor with 3 (soon to be 4) kiddos. Living in singleland, it's easy to get caught up in both the advantages and disadvantages of living alone. Without a family, it's tempting to take your identity and worth from what you do. Relationships are important, of course, but you have to be intentional about letting people in when it's alarmingly easy to keep people out. It's a different thing altogether you go home and there they are. For me, especially, since my return to work, coming home means turning my brain off and usually, going to bed earlier than most ten-year-olds.

This family down the street has done more to heal my heart (and my head) than I'm sure I even know. I am amazed by the way they live their lives and faith and am utterly blessed to have been adopted by them. When I think of what family is meant to be, this family is the first snapshot that comes to mind.

On occasion the husband has to go out of town for work. During those times, I'm often invited over for dinner and assisting with the bedtime routine. My friend thinks I'm helping her out, but I'm definitely getting the better end of the bargain. Not only do I spend time, living real life with a woman I admire as a mentor and role model, but I get loved on by three of the most adorable children in the world. But wait, there's more! I get an outlet for my maternal desires and practice establishing the rituals and habits I hope to establish in my own family. And best of all, in a season of weakness, I still have the strength to be used in a way that is meaningful to one of the people I love the most. Isn't God cool?


Anonymous said...

Jen - I'm blown away. Thank you for your kind, loving words about me, our kids and family life. You are a treasured part of our family and the 'Aunt' they know best. I'm so thankful God used you know what to bring us into relationship.
Keep blogging, you're a fabulous writer!

Jen @ de Jong Dream House said...

Right back at you, my friend. Now when are we playing Cataan?! :-)